mandag den 16. marts 2020

Self quarantine: day 5

So first day with "home schooling" as it is called. It was super weird. First of all we started the day out with muting all our microphones because Skype apparently start lagging when too many people speak at the same time. We are 15 and that is a few too many. We had a round if turning on our mics and introducing ourselves, our internship place and how good we kind thing we are programming on a scale from 1 to 10. That was super awkward.

We got a huge ass assignment to show kinda how far we are in programming. Make a website from a picture. We got the fonts and pictures to put in it. It had to be responsive to both computer and phone... We had one day...
Not That we had to finish, but get as far as possible. I didn't make it responsive though. I made it for a phone like my teacher told us to try first, as most people use the most these says.

I've had my friend Ayla over. She lives like 500m from me. We use one of my screens to Skype and then I have one screen for working and she has her laptop at my dining table. So it's not too bad and remote from the rest of the humanity... Yet.

I went to my chiropractor today. They weren't closed and I'm thankful for that. Only a few weeks ago my neck "froze" and I couldn't look up or to my left. It still painful but she gave me a massage and snap snap and I am living again. She asked how I was affected by it and told me that she went from working 5 days at week to 2 half days. But she gave me a follow up appointment for Thursday, so I guess they aren't closing anytime soon.

Infected in Denmark: 914

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