So today I decided to start a blog.
Why you may ask? Because everything is going to shit apparently.
We have been talking about Corona virus for some time. Both at work, with my parents and with my friends.
A work everyone was like "pppfh, it's not gonna happen here in Denmark. It's in China. Stop looking at the counts of deaths and stuff!"
One of my friends Gitte has been keeping an eye on it for awhile since she had a trip to Japan and South Korea planned but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. It doesn't look as bad as in China, bit it is pretty bad. Especially on that cruise ship, Diamond Princess where I guess almost everyone is infected? That is Japan.
Well my mom as been worried for a while, since she works at the hospital in our home city. Not a nurse or anything, but she sterilise tools for operations and brings them to the different departments at the hospital. She's all over that building. The Danish government says that they will collect the infected in a few hospitals.
Right now it is mostly people that comes home from skiing in south Italy (extremely fucked at this moment) and Austria.
A few at my work was send home today because they had been near someone who might be infected.
But tonight we got this creepy message from put prime minister. Self quarantine for 14 days.
What does that mean for me? Well I am about to go back to school for 2 month. So I might get some homework and our teachers might speak to us over Skype or something. It's crazy.
All school are closing. All who is working for the public section has to work from home. So if I didn't have to" go back to school", I would still be stuck at home.
People working in the private section still has to go to work. Just keep their distance. No more than 100 people gathered.
It's weird times.
At least I got my books, reviews and videos I can make. Just did my school portfolio (graphic designer here) so I've been toning down in creative projects for a long time. But now that I finished that, and I'm apparently gonna have a lot of spare time alone now, om going to figure something out.
I have my trip to Germany on saturday though. If corona doesn't stop that too.